Friday 27 March 2009

The Kitchen Man

Yeah, I know I am lucky. I am being told so by all who have visited my new marital home until now. The food coming out of the kitchen smells awesome..and tastes awesome too. And the best bit is, its not being cooked by me, but by Shadique. What more could a woman want, ask my female friends, neighbours, relatives, colleagues.
You know when you go home tired from the office, you see the house husband standing at the kitchen counter, adorning that silly apron he bought from Poundland, grinning at you, and you are in womanhood bliss.
No menu planning to do for the night, no histrionics to perform trying to carve the chicken and no need to see the the unapproving look on Shadique's face when I hand over the dinner plate to him. Adios to being kitchen queen.
Three cheers to my kitchen man!!


  1. awwww... How cool is that! You're one fortunate woman!

  2. I know what it is to have your kitchen man:-) They are the men of 21st century in true sense.
